For Immediate Release
September 16, 2020

Matthew Nocella,, 202.286.1987

Councilmember Grosso applauds Superintendent Kang’s service to the District of Columbia

Washington, D.C. – The following is a statement from Councilmember David Grosso regarding State Superintendent Hanseul Kang’s decision to step down from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education next month:

“In my time as chairperson of the Committee on Education, I have had the pleasure of working closely with Superintendent Kang and I have appreciated her depth of knowledge and candor. She has provided steady leadership at OSSE for the last five and a half years and brought the agency into a new era, improving its responsiveness, results, and reputation. The departure of Superintendent Kang is a significant loss for the District of Columbia’s education sector.

“I appreciate her service to the District and wish her luck in her new endeavor. Her commitment and her experience will be invaluable to those that hope to improve education for countless students across the United States.”

